invest connect

Submit your interest to participate in when registering for EMC.

Moderated by Mac Shropshire, CEO, Strategic Finance Consultant, Mac Shropshire Consulting, LLC

  • Are you a capital provider / funder / advisor?
  • Seeking Funding (project developer, project owner, founder, other)
  • Seeking other assistance?

Invest Connect begins with a fireside chat of capital providers who share insights on trends in ecological restoration business and finance, followed by opportunity for those seeking funding to connect with the panel and other capital providers. Ideal for business but open to all. If providing or seeking funding, please submit your interest during the registration process for one-on-one connecting.

tech connect

Tech & Data providers submit your interest in hosting a table when registering for EMC.

  • Are you an innovative Tech & Data provider?
  • Are you looking to learn the latest technological advancements that will help meet your needs more effectively?

Tech Connect connects the provider with attendees seeking solutions. Following our successful tech vendor roundtables at the Global Environmental Markets and Finance Summit in 2023, we are now offering this at EMC! A much larger audience at EMC, we ask that tech providers indicate their interest in hosting a table during this session when you register. Final details of format will be determined based on the level of interest and may include brief introductions and/or one or two rotations of attendees at tech tables.

land asset explore

Limited spots; apply to participate when registering for EMC.

Facilitator: Jody L. Bickel – CEO, Creekbank Associates

Designed specifically for landowners  of private and public lands under consideration for environmental market opportunities. Learn foundational information, guidance, and key insights into environmental markets. Advance your overall understanding of risk-aware decision-making across environmental market options. Facilitated by a coach and mentor to landowners and sustainability leaders to achieve their desired outcomes.

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