Call for Speakers, Sessions and Ideas for EMC 2025!

Accepting submissions through September 14.

We make it easy!

Nominate a Speaker or Submit to Present

EMC brings practical, proven and emerging approaches with economic and public benefit for improving resiliency and mitigating climate and human impacts.

Making a critical connection across industry and public sectors to mitigate, restore and protect our streams, wetlands, quality of water, land, carbon and fish, wildlife and species.

There’s a mix of opportunities to participate . . .
Panels & Presentations On Demand (Posters, Academic Presentations & more)
Workshops Facilitated Discussions & Roundtables
Working Groups Alternative Formats

Share your experience, insight, emerging approach on …

🗹 Improving practice and process and streamlining permitting

🗹 Cutting edge technology, data and science that improve and streamline process and practice

🗹 How-to practices and processes, lessons and success that support high quality delivery

🗹 Emerging trends and opportunities

🗹 Business and public innovation, finance and funding

🗹 Policy and implementation

EMC attendees want to hear from

regulators providers of solutions
corporate climate and sustainability experts public climate and resiliency directors
technology innovators investors & fund managers
philanthropic leaders academia
landowners and land managers and more . . .

Topic Ideas to Consider (or create your own)

Here’s a list of ideas for presentations and sessions to help inform on topics of interest at EMC.

Accepting submissions through September 14.

Nominate or Submit

We will only use your email for communicating about your submission unless you opt-in or have already opted in for staying updated.

Plan to answer the following questions:

Your Contact Info: Name, Title, Company/Organization, Country, Phone, Email

Proposed title of your presentation, session, idea or speaker(s) being nominated

Brief description of what you are proposing.

Proposed speaker(s). Bios are option but encouraged.

Deadlines & Next Steps

You will receive a confirmation email from [email protected].

If you don’t receive an email, please check your spam box. Recommend you add both domains and as a safe sender in your email program.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by December 1, with either a decision or request for additional information.

Speakers are provided an advanced or discounted rate, with some receiving a complimentary pass to EMC.

Please consider supporting EMC as a Title Supporter, Exhibitor or through other marketing opportunities.


Contact us at [email protected]. or 800-726-4853.

Click here for Support Opportunities!


Interest submission for Invest Connect, Tech Connect, or Land Asset Explore is done when you register for EMC.

invest connect

Connecting capital providers with project developers and others.

tech connect

Connecting innovative technology and data providers with those seeking solutions.

land asset explore

For private or public landowners considering environmental market opportunities.

Submit for On-Demand Presentations through February 2024.

❖ Wetlands, Streams, Water, Fish, Wildlife, Carbon, Biodiversity
❖ Compliance, Voluntary and Resilience/Program Driven Approaches
❖ Nature-based Solutions, Innovative Technology and Data, Policy, Science

While the October 1 deadline has passed for in-person program submissions, we accept submissions for on-demand presentations through February.

Have some new research, study or case study to share? This is the ideal opportunity for those with research and studies, and relevant case studies. All submissions are to be designed to inform and educate; promotion sales pitches are not accepted. This opportunity is offered only to registered* attendees of EMC 2024. In-Person or Virtual attendee can present! Once accepted you just upload slides and record directly on our virtual platform, taking questions from attendees through the Q&A system.


It’s super easy to submit!

1. Title of Presentation
2. Description of Presentation
50 to 400 words recommended.
3. Name, Title, Organization, Country, and Email of Presenter (and co-presenter if applies).
Plus Short Bio for each participant.
4. Select your preferred FORMAT
(indicate preferred format; if other formats are to be considered, please indicate in the description):
Case Study /Project Example (detailed presentation on a completed and/or proven mechanism or approach)
Academic Presentation (ideal for sharing research, studies and other academic endeavors)
5. Select PRIMARY NATURAL ASSET CATEGORY – Natural Asset (s) Focus of your Submission.
WATER: Wetlands, Streams, Coastal, Shorelines, Water Quality and Quantity
BIODIVERSITY: Fish, Wildlife, Species, Biodiversity
CARBON: Carbon Markets, Reduction, Sequestration, Etc.
MULTIPLE NATURAL ASSETS: Focus is on more than one of the above natural assets.
Implementing New Policies and Rules
Impacts of WOTUS, SWANCC, SCOTUS, Disclosures, and More
New, Emerging and Current Trends, Markets & Opportunities
Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, 30×30, etc. and Mitigation and Environmental Markets
Improving and Streamlining Permitting, Practice, Process, and Transparency
Proven Outcomes: Integrity in Monitoring, Tracking & Transparency
Debit/Credit Evaluation Tools in Use Across the US
Multiple Benefits, Use and Credits
Combined Permitting for Water Quality/Quantity through Ecosystem Restoration Projects; Other Combined Permitting Examples
Working with Tribal Nations and Indigenous Communities
Federal, State, and Tribal Nation Collaboration
Long-Term Management & Funding
Innovative Technology and Data Solutions
Climate, Resiliency, Natural Disaster and Nature-based Solutions
Mitigation for Pollinators, Migratory Birds, Big Game Migration Corridors, and Archeological Resources
Corporate & Municipal Successes and Challenges
Best Practices, Successes and Challenges by Sector – Agriculture/Coastal/Forestry/Energy/Wind/Transportation/Urban/ Other
Lessons & Successes in Voluntary Markets
Lessons & Successes in Compensatory Mitigation Projects, Banks, In-Lieu Fee Programs
Public & Private Landowners – Understanding and Finding the Right Option
Due Diligence for Regulators, Solution Providers, Consumers/Clients and Landowners
How to Implement a Market Mechanism (Carbon, Mitigation or Conservation Bank, NRDA Bank, Water Quality Trading, etc.)
Performance Standards, Adaptive Management
P3s, Public-Private Partnerships
Legal Aspects of Land Control, Easements, Entitlements and Rights, Other
Financial Assurances for Short and Long-Term
Long-Term Management and Stewardship
The Science, Data and Research
Ethics, Environmental Justice
Sales & Marketing
How to Account for and Value Natural Assets
Finance and Investment Role(s), Trends, Successes and Challenges
7. SUBMIT by February 28, 2024.
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